Flowers and Plants 2019

How I Use My Imagination To Fuel My Creativity in Photography

Whenever I am taking photos, I try to take the time to see the subject I am photographing so I can get a feel of what I want to capture. What type of story do I want to tell? How do I want the viewer to feel? Why am I drawn to the subject? What important features do I want to emphasize? These are just a handful of questions I ask myself. By doing this, I am using my imagination to fuel my creativity. I don’t look at something and snap away. Instead, I spend time seeing my subject, getting a feel for it, which then fuels my creativity.

Photo of the Week

I love the location of my house. It abuts a large area of woods which means that I get a lot of wildlife such as rabbits, lots of chipmunks and squirrels, the occasional deer and turkeys. Since it’s the first week in November, I picked this photo of a turkey showing its plumage one early…