
Out With The Old, In With The New

The holidays are here and a new year is on the horizon. While 2020 will go down in history as a tumultuous year that took a lot from us, it also has given us reason to appreciate what we do have. I am optimistic that at some point in 2021 a sense a normalcy will return. As we prepare to celebrate the holidays we need to pause and be thankful for what we do have.

Four Different Ways To Learn Photography

Four Different Ways To Learn Photography

So you want to learn how to become a better photographer. Where do you start? There are many different ways to learn how to take better photos. People learn differently and have different learning methods. Also budgets come into play as well, as a couple of ways may cost money. I am going to list four different ways that you can learn about taking better photos or improve them.

Looking for a Creative Photo Project?
Try out This Awe-Inspiring Project!

What happens when you place plastic items in front of a polarized light source using a polarizing filter? Photoelasticity! I tried this super cool project out and, wow, it is fun. This is an easy project to do and it will make your creativity shine. Plus, you’ll get really artistic photos that will make everyone wonder “how did you do that!” So let’s get to the nitty gritty.

Soap Bubbles

Create Amazing Abstracts of Soap Bubbles

The most amazing photos are a combination of simple things. Take oil and water. They couldn’t be more opposite. Washing up dishes with oil on it is a pain. When it comes to photography, it’s an entirely different thing. These two ingredients bring out the qualities of the other. Intrigued? Keep on reading to see how creative you can get by mixing oil and water and just a little bit of dish soap.

Calling All Photographers!

I’ve started up a FaceBook group called Karen Grant’s Creators. It’s a creative community where photographers can gather to learn tips of the trade and refine their art form. You are welcome to post photos, get critiques, and ask questions . Even if you’re not an experienced photographer but always wanted to learn how to get the most out of picture taking, this group is for you.