Colorful Waterdrops

Stuck at Home? Here’s Three Ways to Keep the Photography Juices Going

Times are tough right now as most of us can’t go out. But just because you can’t go out, doesn’t mean you have to stop being creative with photography. Here’s my three ways to stay creative while being inside. Find a project online. There are numerous groups online that offer different themes for you to shoot such as macro, abstract and food. Some last a day others for a week. Having a goal makes it easier to keep being creative.

Butterflies of Cape Cod 2019

Walking My Talk

In service of one of my course beliefs for life, which is “when you create, you feel alive” here are 5 recommendations that I cannot help but offer this week in the midst of this chaos. 1. Watch the news, but not be the news- (don’t watch it very much.) 2. You know that creative hobby you like, do it! For me it’s photography. Check out mine on this site!

Puzzle Completed!

Puzzle Completed!

A few weeks ago, I blogged about puzzling. I was working on one and learned a few things about puzzling and life. Being my first puzzle, I was challenged at times with its different shades of pink, read, and blue colors, but in the end this was an enjoyable puzzle to build. I am delighted to say that I finished the puzzle and had it framed. It is beautiful. I am already looking for my next puzzle.