One of the best gifts I have found is giving something I that I made to someone. To me, there is nothing better than sharing my creativity. Every year for Christmas, I make a calendar of my photos that I’ve taken throughout the year for my family and friends. Also, during the year, I’ll print out photos and gift them to people. Or I’ll write a handwritten note on one of my photo cards. When I create these gifts, I think about how the recipient will feel. What will this gift mean to them? Did I brighten their day?
When I practice these random acts of creativity it opens up my heart and helps me feel connected to those around me.
Since this holiday season is unlike any other we’ve had before, try practicing some random act of creativity. Write a handwritten note, take a photo, or make a piece of art. Make something and gift it to someone. This generous and selfless act of creativity will open up your heart and and will brighten their day.
My mother made quite a few of these wooden soldiers many years ago. They were hung on the Christmas tree and around the house. As the years went by, she decided to give some of them to family members as a way to share her creativity. I will always cherish this gift. It hangs on my Christmas tree every year.