A credo defined: (n) Latin. A declaration of one’s beliefs, motives and intentions. It is a document that a person writes that declares what is important to them.
Have you ever thought about writing a credo before? Up until now, I never gave it a thought. Thinking or talking about what I believe and what is important to me is one thing. Actually doing it is another. So, I decided to make it real. Now that I have a credo, it calls me out every day to make a commitment to live my life to the fullest.
If you’re interested in writing a credo, here’s what I would do. Take some time and think about what you truly believe, what is important and what your intentions are and just jot them down on a sheet of paper. Then this is where I had the most fun in doing mine- make it your own. Go design it. Print it. And then share it. By doing this, it will call you out to make a commitment to living a fuller life.
You can read my credo here.