Ever had a month where it seems to just fly by? For me, it’s been this month. I caught a respiratory infection right after Christmas that put me in the hospital for a few days. I recovered from that and then a week later, I flew out to Hollywood, California for 10 days. Three days were spent learning about myself as I am part of Rick Tamlyn’s Produce U program. It was soo much fun! Since coming back home late last week, I took some days to relax and to reflect on what I learned. I am now refreshed and ready to jump into 2020.
During my time out in California, I came up with a list of New Year Resolutions for my photography, which I am going to share with you.
1.Take a camera everywhere. Whoever started the saying, “The best camera is the one you have with you” is right. I don’t always have my DSLR on me, but I do have my iPhone. By taking a photo a day, I get more practice at being creative with my photos and I’ll become that much better at photography.
2. Start a new creative project. My first creative project of the New Year is Light Painting. My husband bought me a Fotorgear Magilight LED Light Painting Wand for Christmas. This technique involves using a slow shutter speed (long exposure) to capture light streaks. The possibilities to create one of a kind photos is endless. I am looking forward to starting this.
3. Create a list of photo projects. This has always helped me in the past and it doesn’t apply just to photography. Lists are a great way to keep me motivated. I make a list each year of projects that I want to do. When I complete something, I’ll put a checkmark next to it. The longer the list, the better because as the year goes on, I can see how much I’ve accomplished. It’s a great way to keep motivated and creative.
4. Take more photos. This one kind of goes with #1, but I am listing it here anyways. By taking more photos opens the door to more photographic opportunities and new creative projects. And during the course of the year, I’ll see just how much my photography journey improves.
What are you looking to create in the New Year that you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them in the comments.
For this week’s photo I picked a flower that I froze in water. I used my macro lens to get close to the tiny bubbles of ice, and a shallow depth of field- f/4.0 to blur the petals on top.