The holidays are here and a new year is on the horizon. While 2020 will go down in history as a tumultuous year that took a lot from us, it also has given us reason to appreciate what we do have. I am optimistic that at some point in 2021, a sense a normalcy will return. As we prepare to celebrate the holidays, we need to pause and be thankful for what we do have.
The year 2020 brought challenges to many of you. For me, my usual photo adventures had to be put on hold and I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I adapted to the challenges by doing more at home photo projects like Photoelasticity. And I’ve been working on some behind the scenes projects coming out in 2021.
As 2020 winds down, I plan to make a list of what I would like to accomplish in 2021. On the top of that list is beating breast cancer.
I would like to know what goals you have for 2021. Please share below!
Wishing you a happy holiday season filled with love, blessings and a creative rest of year.